Balls to the Wall Long $NFLX $TSLA into earnings!!??
Balls to the Wall Long $TSLA and $NFLX into their prints!!??
You have our market view already, right? See the 2Q earnings flop (poker analogy) and decide where there are cracks and where there are holes, and what names have valuations that already reflect both or either. The market has been a series of false start rallies for weeks with rotations in and out of sectors, even sometimes from one day to the next. Banks got clobbered Thursday on $JPM earnings miss and dour outlook only to rally the next day when $C beat expectations and reminded investors their tangible book value is still $80. Excessive trading and/or having a super strong view has been mightily punished the last month or so. Sure, energy was the best performer for most of 2022 to only be one of the worst from peak to trough of late. This week will be quiet both on the economic and earnings front. Usually that’s a positive? Our weekly today will focus on the two big tech reports $NFLX and $TSLA which report Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.